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Who we are

Sunset Com Elas, emerged in August 2018 as a female kitesurfing regatta on Preá beach to encourage and support the participation of women in kite. Today, in addition to the event that is already in its 11th edition, the initiative has become one of the main references for women in Brazil and the world, always with the objective  to strengthen, connect and unite more and more the female audience through sport. 


From a small event with 20 participants that started on Preá beach, next to the famous Jericoacora, today we are the Sunset Com Elas Institute, a social project that has several activities not only among women, but also with children. Our objective is to encourage and increase the participation of boys and girls from the community, from young people, a generation of high-level athletes and people linked to the sport with excellent training standards and tools that allow them to develop professionally in kitesurfing and also in personal life.

“We believe that all women can recognize their worth, decide their future and change the world.”

Nuestra misión

Our mission

Educating women in sport improving the quality of life, dignity and integral development through kitesurfing and its related areas. Focusing on gender, territorial and participatory issues.

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Our vision

To be an institution recognized for its work with women, promoting gender equality, empowerment and sporting and social inclusion through the teaching and practice of kitesurfing and other activities.

We need you!

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